Vidmate v17.4

VidMateIf you love watching videos then you should give a try to Vidmate app. You would be able to stream videos of any stream. You can stream Live TV channels on the app. The channels would include, news channels and sports channels and many others that you may like. The application is currently available only for the android devices, so you would be able to download it only if you are using android device. The application has a simple interface that lets you use it without any hassle.

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Vidmate v17.3

VidMateDo you like watching videos on your device after downloading them? Well, if you do like watching videos, then you would know how difficult is to download the videos from the website these days. But, thankfully there is an app with which you would be able to download videos. It is an app called Vidmate which will allow you to download different videos online and through which you will be able to watch the videos streaming on different sites. The application not only downloads the videos but you can also download the audios from websites. So without wasting the time, let us just simply start reading the features of VidMate. Continue reading “Vidmate v17.3”

Vidmate v17.2

VidMateVidmate application is an android application which lets you download the videos and audios from sites like SoundCloud, vimeo, vines, met cafe, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, twitter, etc. Even if there is no download option on the sites you would be able to download the videos and audios from these. Sometimes users want to enjoy videos from such platforms but cannot due to downloading restrictions. But vidmate let you download and play the video also in offline mode.

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Vidmate v17.1

VidMateVidmate application that lets you watch the videos offline. You can download videos from any website using this app. It even supports facebook videos so you would be able to download them easily in your device. The application is available for the android devices only. You cannot download it in any other platform based device. The application is available for free so you would not be required to pay for the app.The app also allows you to stream live TV channels on it. You can stream upto 200 channels on the app. Continue reading “Vidmate v17.1”

Vidmate v16.8

VidMateVidmate is an application that allows you to get the videos in your device from various websites. The application is totally free and thus you would not need to worry about spending money to subscribe it every month or year. The application has a simple and easy user interface with which you can easily use the app. This application is available only for the android devices so no other platform would support this app. The app lets you stream Live TV channels as well. Continue reading “Vidmate v16.8”

Vidmate v16.7

VidMateVidmate is a video streaming app where you can find unlimited videos to stream. The application is available for free of cost which also ensures that you would not be required to subscribe the application and pay any kind of subscription fee. The app allows you to download and use it in the android app only. You would not be able to use the app in any other device. You can also watch Live TV channels in this app. It supports over 200 Live TV channels which includes Sports channels and News channels as well.

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Vidmate v16.6

VidMateVidmate is an application which lets the users to download the videos and audios in their device without any problem. The application lets you download even on those websites which do not provide any kind of download button or download link to get the video. This may include Facebook, DailyMotion, SoundCloud or MetaCafe type websites. The application allows you to watch the videos later offline by downloading them. You can also stream the videos within the app. There is another option available which says watch later for streaming videos which allows users to watch them at their free time.

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Vidmate v16.5

VidMateVidmate allows you to watch and download videos in your device. You would be able to download the videos from any website you use. The application is available for free of cost so it doesn’t charge you for anything. The application has various categories with which you would get what you are looking for. The user interface of this app is easy and simple to use. Users can also watch Live TV channels in this app which has many popular channels available. The application is available for android devices only.

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